Short Form Closure FECA-PT2 Procedure Manual
Administrative Review (AR) — an uncontroverted traumatic injury claim in which medical bills are not expected to exceed $1,500 and a wage…
Administrative Review (AR) — an uncontroverted traumatic injury claim in which medical bills are not expected to exceed $1,500 and a wage…
As an injured workers’ OWCP Representative, I have assisted numerous physicians in establishing a causal relationship. Unless a doctor is well-schooled in…
Representation. Title 20 Chapter 1 Subchapter B Part 10 Subpart F §10.701 “Who may serve as a representative? A claimant may authorize…
Section 8116(d) of the FECA requires that compensation benefits be reduced by the portion of SSA benefits based on age, disability or…
A recurrence of the medical condition is a documented need for additional medical treatment after release from treatment for the work-related injury….