
Federal Regulations do not allow contingent fees in OWCP cases. Instead, a representative is paid only for the hours he works on a case and must ask for the client to pay for the legal services and must request approval of the fee amount from OWCP. (20 C.F.R. § 10.703).
The OWCP allows attorneys to charge as much as $500.00 an hour for services. You’ll find our hourly rate to be much more affordable and is never based on a percentage of your benefits. As retired OWCP Claims Examiners our knowledge of the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act far surpasses all others.
You owe it to yourself and those who depend on you to find the best representative that there is to represent you. Call us before you make this very important decision. You want someone who will keep your best interests as their sole focus. You want someone who will Fight to Win! Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation.
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